
Interest Rates + Housing Availability = Affordability of the Home You Really Want

If you have been watching the housing market for the past few months, there is no doubt in your mind that there aren't many houses available, the prices are fluctuating and so are interest rates.  Just like back in the early 2000s, houses that came on the market didn't last long.  Interest rates were reasonable and then they plummeted to around 3%...and stayed there for a while.  But now, they are up around 6-7% and most people don't want to give up their 3% rate.  I don't blame them. Every couple of months the Federal Open Market Committee, commonly referred to as "The Fed" meets.  So?  Why should I care?  Because "The Fed" looks at inflation and decides whether to raise or drop interest rates.  Lower rates = more affordable housing.  Lower rates = people willing to sell their homes and relocate = more homes on the market. For example:   A $400,000 home loan at 3% interest has a principle and interest payment of $1,686.42 for 30 years. That same $40

Home Price and Interest Rates Statistics Don't Lie

According to the Virginia Association of Realtors, home prices have skyrocketed and interest rates are starting to decline, but nowhere close to what they were.  Take a look at these graphics.  Houses are selling and staying on the market for about 22 days.  So, if you plan to list your home soon, START PACKING.  Graphs are as of February 15, 2024. Call me, I'll be happy to make your sale or purchase a breeze. 804-516-8561

Sellers Beware

Scammers.....Phishers.....Thieves.....Fraudsters.....they are everywhere. If you are at a point where you NEED to sell your home; maybe you have lost your job and can no longer make your mortgage payments.  Maybe you are a retiree and you owe past due taxes, or maybe you inherited a home that needs repairs and you cannot afford to make the repairs. Well, there are "companies" or persons out there who are willing to take your property off of your hands.  BUT.....beware. A few years ago, a woman asked me to help her find investment properties.  We looked at a few and then there was one she decided to purchase.  She wanted to make the offer in person to the property owner, so I set up a meeting.  Once I heard her pitch I realized this was one person I did not wish to represent. This was her proposal to the homeowner... She offered to pay the homeowner half the cost of the house up front.  She then wanted the property transferred into her name but the outstanding mortgage would n

Precautions When Showing Your Home

No doubt about it, we live in scary times when you really have to be careful about allowing strangers in your home.  Hopefully, your Realtor has done an excellent job of vetting your potential buyers; pre-approval through a local mortgage company is the biggest thing they can do.  That way you KNOW they have the funds and credit to purchase your home.  But it doesn't stop there.... Open Houses and Showings One tool Realtors use to sell a home is an open house.  This is a time when just about anyone can walk in your home and look around.  What can you do to protect your "stuff"?  Below is a list that is not inclusive of everything, but its a good start. If you own firearms - secure them.  Lock them in a safe or take them with you. Secure your jewelry, or coin collections or other valuable collectibles. Secure any items that you don't want broken.  Although people may not mean to, but they may inadvertently break something that is valuable to you.  Take your pets with y

Preparing Your Home For The Move

I am sure you are overwhelmed with the thought of moving, yet again.  Or maybe you are an old pro at this and you "got it".  Below are some reminders of little things you might want to take care of before you sign to list your home: Take down what you want to take with you... You may have a favorite light fixture or mirror or faucet or something else that is permanently attached to the structure.  If you do, replace it now before you list the property.  Also, if you have an appliance that you want to take with you, replace it now. Curb Appeal... First impressions can make or break the sale of a house.  When someone pulls up in front of your property that is not well maintained, they will just keep on driving.  Now that winter has deposited all the trees in your yard, now is the time to get them up.  You can either rake/blow them into a pile and have someone take them away, or you can use a riding lawn mower to mulch them and put them on your flower or garden beds.  Pull weeds

Permanent Change of Station Is Coming For The Military SOON

Anyone in the military, no matter the branch, knows that beginning in May, new orders arrive for a Permanent Change in Station.  Most moves occur in the summer months, but the transition begins, usually in April and May. If you are military and are being re-assigned to, or from the Virginia Peninsula, CALL ME!  I understand the pressure of flying in on a Thursday or Friday, looking at houses and being under contract to purchase before you fly back out on Sunday.  I will be your BOOTS ON THE GROUND to handle whatever comes up HERE while you are packing at your other duty station THERE. I have worked with many families who have made the transition.  I can take a lot of the stress of the move off of your shoulders. Growing up on the Peninsula and living here for more years than I can count, I can be your source for getting to know your new home.  I can direct you to the correct source for schools, shopping, handling traffic during commutes and housing information. Let me be your LOCAL, HO

Fair Housing - Unlawful Discriminatory Practices

According to Virginia state law 36-96.3 it shall be unlawful to, based on the protected classes:   Refuse to sell or rent after receiving a bona fide offer or to refuse to negotiate for the sale or rental of, or otherwise make unavailable or deny, a dwelling to any person. Discriminate against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in the connection with the dwelling. To make or cause to be made, printed, or published, any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference or intention to make a preference, limitation, or discrimination.  To represent to any person that any dwelling is not available for inspection, sale, or rental when such dwelling is in fact so available. To include in any transfer, sale, rental, or lease of housing, any restrictive covenant that discriminates because of the protected classes or for any pe