Disclosures By Sellers - Military Air Installations

Previously I posted the Buyers are responsible for conducting due diligence about a property they are considering purchasing.  I also listed in that same post titled “Buyer Beware” the list of disclosures are not required to make.  However, there are disclosures Sellers are required to make.  One is pertaining to military air installations.

According to Virginia state law 55-519.1 Sellers are required to disclose to any potential Buyers if the subject parcel is located in a noise zone or accident potential zone, or both.  Such disclosure shall state the specific noise zone or accident potential zone, or both, in which the property is located according to the official zoning map.

Every jurisdiction where an air military installation is located will maintain an official zoning map that delineates crash zones and noise zones.  Most of these maps are available online or by contacting the jurisdiction the property is located. 

Having spent thirty-five plus years on the Virginia Peninsula, I find these maps to be somewhat interesting.  I grew up in the Brentwood section of Newport News.  During the Vietnam War the planes would often times fly over at tree top level; so low we could wave to the airmen sitting around the open hatch of the C-130s flying over and they would wave back but, yet, we were not in a crash or noise zone.  Whenever there is a “scramble” of the jets from Langley Air Force Base, they fly directly over my old neighborhood but, yet, we aren’t in a noise or crash zone.

If you move into a military area there is going to always be jet noise and the potential for an airplane crash.  It’s just a fact of life.  After living in the area for a while, the jet noise become “white noise”.  You never pay attention to it unless it “sounds not right”.  Then you may look up. 

Rest assured that the pilots of those planes will do everything in their power to NOT crash in a populated area.  They will do everything in their power to ditch in the Bay.  When I was around 10 years of age, 2 planes collided near Langley Air Force Base.  Actually, if my memory is correct, they touched wings.  Unfortunately, one of the planes went down in a neighborhood off Pembroke Avenue east of Woodland Road.  A wheel from one of the jets went through the roof of the Century Lanes bowling alley on Pembroke Avenue.  The other jet successfully ditched in the Bay. 

That being said, with all the air traffic in the Hampton Roads area, there is always going to be a potential for aircraft noise and aircraft crashes but, isn’t that the cost of freedom?

Langley Air Force Base Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Public Release Brief

Hampton Roads_JLUS AICUZ pamphlet_CMYK.cdr (Virginia Beach/Norfolk)



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